3 Easy Steps to Quitting Smoking Weed

Look, I’m not going to tell you why dope is bad for you or how smoking the green doesn’t make you sound like Kierkegaard, because frankly, if you are reading this, you already know that. What you will learn, however, is how to quit smoking weed and how doing so can make your life a happier one. Sit back and relax as you learn three easy steps to putting down the ganja for good.

Step 1: Get a hobby.

The very first thing you need to do is fill up your free time so that you don’t have any extra time to spark a joint. Are you a fan of marijuana brownies? Put your baking skills to use and make other, weed-free pastries. Not only will you not be getting high, the baked goods will themselves cause a release of dopamine in your brain, still giving you a “high” — but without the marijuana. In fact, anytime you do something you like, it causes dopamine release (the neurotransmitter responsible for a high). So, just fill up your time doing something else you enjoy.

Step 2: Change your life.

If your life consists of you doing something you don’t like, stop doing it. If you hate your job, find a new one. We can get so bogged down in routines and doing things for other people that we sometimes forget about ourselves. Life is meant to be enjoyed, not just casually passed through until death. Identify things in your life that make you unhappy and either change them or get rid of them completely. Being happier will lessen the likelihood of you wanting to smoke weed.

If you need any kind of information on this article related topic click here: Where to buy weed in Cairo

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